Jennifer Abay

You deserve to live a life you’re obsessed with! 

I am a wife, an aunt, a potty mouth girl that doesn’t hold back. I help women ditch their fears and step into their next level so that she can create the income & freedom lifestyle her soul craves!  

I am also a Manifestation Queen and so obsessed with teaching others the Law of Attraction.  I am so excited you came across this page, and want to celebrate you for reading this because it means that you are ready to take control of your destiny!

We were all born with a gift, a purpose

I once stood where you stand, feeling lost and not knowing the next step to take in my life. I was paralyzed by the fear of getting it wrong. There was 1 thing I knew for sure, I wanted to live more and not get stuck in a 9 to 5. There were so many others creating a life they love online and I was determine to do so. Now it’s my mission to pay it forward.

Even if you have no idea of what this purpose is, it is still alive within you. And it has begun to stir.

My journey started in the Network Marketing world, where I thought “omg this is it!” I helped hundreds of women get into the best shape of their lives & create financial success.

But my business came to a stop, when I realized I was no longer aligned with the fitness, I wanted to help women feel confident in her true self and shift her into believing ANYTHING is possible for her & go after it!

There was a point in my life, that I didn’t know what my purpose was, I wanted to make a difference, and I also needed more money. I had to overcome fear, mental health issues, and the limit beliefs I carried with me.

I  help women win the inner game in a process called “She Used to Be Me” where she learns the tools and strategies in stepping into her next level self. So. that she can create this life that is unstoppable!

My Mission

I believe that everyone is born with a special purpose in their heart, yes you! The layers and past experiences have us  build layers around us, making us feel paralyzed and stuck. I help women ditch their fears, find their passion & purpose, so that she can create the income & freedom lifestyle her soul craves.

Ready to create that life & business you keep dreaming about?

Free Guide on how to get out of that stuck feeling & into action!

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